Resume jurnal tugas PKKMB UNESA 2024

Resume from journal "Impact of ChatGPT on Learning Motivation: Teachers and Students' Voices

(By Putri Laili Izzah from English Education Study Program)


Digitalization which is running quickly means that humans must also be able to live side by side with it, one of which is chatgpt. That is one of innovation that made from a long research from scienties. This help from ai, made many people more easy to use it, include student for studying and also for the teacher.


  • Knowing the impact of ChatGPT on English students' motivation from teachers' and students' perceptions.
  • Knowing the differences between students' and teachers' perceptions on using ChatGPT in language learning.

Method and Participants

This study used quantitative method, the  participants  of  this  study  were  all  students  and  instructors  of  the  English language,  whose  total  number  was  80.

Results and Discussion

Based on the objectives of this research, the findings are organized into two sequential parts. where both parts are based on statistics. This can be seen from the attitudes practitioners and experts towards the influence of ChatGPT use by English language learners in the way they learn English. Regarding micro-skills, participants thought that the use of grammar and vocabulary could be expanded and improved when students used ChatGPT. In short, questionnaire analysis can show that most educators and practitioners agree on the positive effects of ChatGPT in motivating students.

It was also agreed that participants with high experience believed that listening skills could be developed using ChatGPT, whereas participants with low experience and students did not realize the expected effect and instead made a negative impact. On the other hand, although all participants agreed on the positive impact of ChatGPT in creating student interest, there was a significant difference between high and low experience on the one hand and high and low experience on the other hand in the use of this software.

These findings do not conflict with expectations that ChatGPT does have an impact on student learning. The participants collectively expressed a positive view that the bot had an impact on students' macro and micro language skills. It motivates students to read and write more than any other skill. This increases their intrinsic, extrinsic and autonomous motivation. This shows that English students view ChatGPT positively as a motivational tool for learning English.


Although this paper offers little in the way of extensive research on ChatGPT regarding its impact on English language learning in general, the findings are important for the growth of research regarding this new technological advancement.   More about ChatGPT and how it shapes new learning styles and strategies needs to be explored quantitatively and qualitatively so that other research projects can serve as a starting point in further research.  This research also allows us to know if there are differences in usage between people who are experienced and those who are not in using ChatGPT. 

